Windows – Active Directory Migration Tools installation

In this article, we will install the Active Directory Migration Tools (ADMT) on Windows Server 2012 R2. The “best practice” recommends to install the ADMT tool on a server to a domain and not on your domain controller.


  • Make a trust Active Directory
  • The administrator account for Active Directory Migration Tool must have sufficient rights on the source and destination domain
  • Download ADMT Tool
  • Download SQL Express


Install SQL Express

The version used is SQL Express 2008 SP1.

To start, launch the executable from your server. Installation => New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation


A check is automatically performed


Validate the free edition and the terms of the license “I accept the license terms


Then, start the installation


Select Database Engine Services


Continue keeping the default instance


Fill your account with local rights on the databases


Keep Windows authentication mode and add an account with the administrator rights of the source domain


Complete the following steps and complete the installation


Close the end of installation windows.


Install the ADMT

We use version 3.2 of the ADMT tool.

Launch the executable and choose the previously installed base



Then, select Finish to complete the installation


You can now open the tool from your server programs



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Microsoft engineer and Virtualization, I am at first computer-savvy. I share my time between this website, my engineering job and an intense sporting activity.